
Our Environmental Commitment

We care about protecting the environment & are committed to achieving environmental best practice throughout our activities & we constantly work towards minimising the impact of our products & services upon the environment. You can read more about our commitment in our Environmental policy.

Are you interested in chemical-less cleaning techniques, reduced chemical usage via dosing systems, reduction of paper waste, or a machine energy assessment, Contact us for a free no obligation review of your current cleaning products, equipment & consumables.

Make a “Complete” difference straight away, with our exclusive EVOLV ECO Range or our recycled paper & refuse sack ranges.

Things to consider when choosing an environmentally friendly product.

Hand towels vs Hot Air Dyers

Our understanding is that paper hand towels from a properly managed and sustained source are more environmentally friendly than hot air dryers which use considerable
amounts of electricity. We believe paper towels from the correct dispensers are probably more hygienic than air dryers.


Where are they made? How many miles are they transported? By what method? What is the actual feedstock used for the chemicals? Not always clear cut or considered when companies promote green credentials, but those factors are all relevant. A key factor is do they actually clean well. There is no point in using a “green” cleaning product if it doesn’t actually clean or takes much more product, water or time to do the job.

Refuse Sacks

Biodegradable rubbish bags currently leave a residue in the ground as they degrade, for which the long-term effects are not fully known, and so do not provide a completely green solution. As a result, we would prefer to source bags from recycled plastic wherever possible as the best current approach to green bags.

Environmental Policy

Complete Intacare Hygiene is committed to achieving environmental best practice throughout our activities and we constantly work towards minimising the impact of our products and services upon the environment.

Will ensure our core range of paper products are manufactured from recycled paper.
Will meet and where appropriate exceed the requirements of all relevant legislation.
Will incorporate consideration of environmental factors into business decisions.
Will assess the environmental impact of individual products and services.
Will see to reduce consumptions and wastage of materials in all operations.
Will recycle and encourage the use of recycling and recycled products and packaging there-of.
Will manage energy wisely in all operations and design energy efficiency into buildings, products and services.
Will reduce where practicable the level of harmful emissions and waste products.
Will allocate appropriate resources to ensure the environmental policy is fully implemented.
Will maintain an open information policy on environmental issues to any interested party.

Will work with our suppliers to minimise the environmental impact of their operations through a quality purchasing policy.

Will provide staff with environmental awareness training and encourage
employee initiatives that contribute to an improved environment.

Will consult with the local community on environmental issues.

Will take all measures necessary to prevent pollution.

Will keep the environmental policy under regular review.

Is committed to continual improvement.